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League Tennis is a USTA team event. Participants must be USTA members and have a valid USTA rating. League play is always announced through our facebook page. Anyone can play....You don't have to belong to a club. Contact the current season's coordinator with questions or with help finding a team.
2024 Lake Charles League Regulations
Click the PDF to review the 2024 Lake Charles Local League Regulations

USTA League
Step 1 to getting started in USTA League is to create a free USTA account.
Step 2 is to find the league that’s right for you. You can search online or contact your section league coordinator or facility. Tennis is more fun when you play with and against players of similar abilities, so check out these brief descriptions to help you figure it out.
Step 3 is to register for a team.

Women's Spring League Play
Women's League is made up of levels 2.5 - 4.5. The format is 2 singles courts and 3
doubles for 3.0-4.5 levels and 2 doubles and 1 singles for the 2.5 level. It is played on
weekends and Tuesday evenings in the Spring. . Check TennisLink for details.
Contact Women's Coordinator, Tristan Hage, with any questions.

Men's Spring League Play
Men's League is made up of levels 2.5 - 4.5. The format is 2 singles courts and 3 doubles for
3.0-4.5 levels and 1 singles and 2 doubles for the 2.5 level.
It is played on weekends or Tuesday evenings in the Spring. Check TennisLink for Details.
Contact Men's Coordinator, Jared Meaux, with any questions.

Mixed Summer League
Mixed Summer League is made up of 3 courts of on level doubles. Each court consists of
one man and one woman. Beginning in 2024, courts will not be combo and will be straight
levels of 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0. Check USTA tennislink page for details.
Contact Mixed Coordinator, Vickie Anderson, with any questions.

Combo Fall League
Combo Fall League is made up of 3 courts consisting of a combination of levels. Levels
include 5.5 (a 2.5 with a 3.0), 6.5 (3.0 with a 3.5), and 7.5 (3.5 with a 4.0). Check USTA
Tennislink page for details. Contact Combo Coordinator, Lee Lanier, with any questions.
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